Ferret and the Pheromones
Ferret is a pint-sized bogan from the Hawkesbury in Australia. He is the lead singer and songwriter in a mythical parody punk band called Ferret and the Pheromones. Over 5 podcasts he talks us through 33 politically incorrect, highly offensive, comical, satirical songs.
Podcasting since 2023 • 6 episodes
Ferret and the Pheromones
Latest Episodes
The Book of Ferret Narration Bonus Podcast
G'Day , fellow losers. I found meself wif some recordin' time left over, so I thought I'd give yous a sample of me upcomin' novel, 'The Book of Ferret'. Written by Madison Doll.Here's the first 27 pages of the audiobook. Yous can also g...
Season 1
Episode 6

Ferret and the Pheromones 5
G'Day fellow cockbreaths. Uncle Ferris here again. In our final show I'll take yous all fru a few songs where we have another go at the Muzzos, the terrorists, the Abos and everyone else, just for good measure. Me mum always said ya can't give ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ferret and the Pheromones 4
G'day fellow losers. It's Ferris Cutler here again wif some more songs from Ferret and the Pheromones. If yous wanna know more about me, have a look and listen to Episode 1. Today I'll talking you fru 6 more of me songs. Today we'l...
Season 1
Episode 4